Community Support & Property Advice

Is A Victorian Tree Change Right For You?

Community support

After the lockdown that felt like it would ever end – is it any wonder that Melbournians are exiting the inner city in droves in favour of a tree change?

While life in regional Victoria may seem like a world away from the trams and coffee of inner city Melbourne, a lifestyle change has never been more appealing for many. While the catalysts may vary – work, affordability, career options – the driving force for many has simply been space. Until the events of 2020, many Melbournians never really considered the appeal of having a bigger backyard, so long as they had the freedom to explore the city. When that was taken away, many were left to seriously evaluate what their priorities, and what is (and isn’t) deemed to be important in terms of where and how we live.

Surprisingly, Melbourne’s property prices have staged an unprecedented comeback, and as of January 2021 have soared past the pre-pandemic pricing records. The median house price in Melbourne now sits at $936, 073, after seeing a rise of 5.3% in the last quarter of 2020. The previous record high median was $907, 600, which was recorded in the March quarter just before the Covid-19 pandemic arrived to our shores

In comparison, the sleepy country town of Ballan is a world away from the big city lights. Located an hour west of Melbourne CBD, the median house price for a three bedroom home is just $464, 000 – or less than half of what the same would command in the city, and generally on a much bigger block. According to Domain economist Dr Nicola Powell, demand in regional Victoria is at a five year high.

“The demand for a regional lifestyle has clearly been reignited. While the rapid acceleration of views per listing was initially supported by fewer newly listed homes for sale during periods of lockdown, interest has remained elevated as social distancing rules eased and more homes were listed for sale. Lockdown unleashed a plethora of reactions – from hopeful bargain hunters dreaming the property market would undergo a catastrophic correction, to off-grid remote living, or a reaction somewhere in between, such as a move to a regional area.”

Benefits To Consider If You’re Thinking About A Tree Change

The thing about a tree change is that it’s not a decision to be made lightly. Your personal circumstances may dictate your location, such as employment, family obligations, or even lifestyle preferences. However, if more and more Victorians are packing up and heading to the country, what’s the general appeal?

Affordability – Generally speaking, small town living is a much more affordable option. Depending on your tree change destination of choice, you can nab a sprawling three bedroom home on an acre or so for the same price as a one bedroom apartment in the city.

Mental Health – Studies have shown that we see higher rates of mental health issues in cities as opposed to regional areas, particularly in reference to the large scale lockdowns we saw in 2020 – after all, we know that fresh air and access to nature have been known to work wonders.

Community – Did you know that one in four Australians noted an increased feeling of loneliness in 2020? If you’re wanting to feel apart of something “bigger” – then the sense of community that living in a country town brings might just be the solution. There’s something special about getting to know your local barista, or even who bakes the bread each morning.

Safety – Small towns have significantly lower crime rates than big cities, meaning that it is safer to raise kids in the countryside or for more vulnerable people to reside. With less traffic, there’s even a lower risk of being exposed to a car accident. Much like the above point about community, it’s reassuring to get to know your neighbours too.

Sourcing Further Advice On Making A Tree Change In Victoria

A completely free service, Emergency Services Property Advisors provide property advisor services to Police, Fire, Ambulance and S.E.S personnel and their families right across Victoria.

Luke and the team at ESPA are passionate about providing support to some of Australia’s most valued public servants, and aim to provide tangible real estate advice to those in stressful positions with crazy hours at no extra cost to them. 

If you are an emergency services professional looking to potentially buy or sell property in the future, please get in touch today to discuss how we can turn your real estate dreams into reality or call Luke directly on 0414 757 705.