Community Support & Property Advice

The Power Of Giving Back Through Business

Community support

Giving back through business is a means to acknowledge and support the communities which have long done the same for you – but as a brand, where do you start?

As a business operator, it can be all too easy to have tunnel vision when it comes to the day to day nuts and bolts of your operation, as well as what the roadmap of your future looks like. We get it: you’re busy. However, business networks are also crucial when it comes to long term viability and success, but so is the support of your local community of customers. Depending on your industry or sector, those customers can resemble very different things – but that doesn’t mean that your options for giving back through business are any less diverse than they are.

Contrary to popular belief, giving back in business doesn’t have to be via large cash donations. There are various ways for you to start engaging, contributing and supporting your local community, a charity or social cause, with various levels of commitment in terms of time, money and resources. Just a handful of ideas include donating a portion of your products or services, sponsoring a local sports team, offering employment or training to disadvantaged members of society, and even hosting fundraising events. 

Regardless of your industry, sector, products or services – giving back in business simply benefits everyone involved. Apart from the obvious “feel good” factor, did you know that there are also a surprising number of other benefits involved in the process?

Free Publicity – While this shouldn’t be an incentive, organisations that participate in local fundraising events usually get the added benefit of marketing their name and business, allowing new audiences to get to know who you are and what you’re all about. 

Audience Engagement – Keeping existing clients engaged is one of the most effective methods if you’re looking to increase your customer retention rate. By getting involved in your community, you’re reminding them that you’re present, engaged and that you effectively care. 

Networking Opportunities – Often confused with selling, networking is actually all about building long term business relationships, a good reputation, and fresh ideas. It’s also a great way to build your brand’s position – or cement it – within your designated industry or sector. 

Company Culture – By getting your team involved in an event that puts them front and centre within their own community, it encourages them to be proud of where they work, and ultimately feel like they’re making a difference. 

Tax Advantages – While tax laws in Australia are complex, speak to a professional accountant to see what advantages are available to you in regards to charity or donations. While this shouldn’t be your primary driving factor, every little bit counts with keeping your tax bill down. 

How ESPA Gives Back To The Community 

Hiking the Kokoda Track in 2016 was a life changing event for Emergency Services Property Advisors founder, Luke Lawlor. Although already armed with over twenty years experience in the real estate industry, getting to know his fellow adventurers while he was completing the track really got the wheels turning, as many of them were in fact emergency service workers.

As such, he founded his business on the back of the emergency services community, as there were no other real estate advisory services operating to cater just for them. With strong ties to the Victorian police force, ambulance service and firefighting sectors, Luke actively ensures that as a business, he contributes both his time and money to ensure that the sector receives the same support that they have provided him with.

One of the major things to note about using a property advisor like ESPA is that it comes at no cost to the home buyer or seller. When acting on behalf of a client, ESPA receives a fee from the real estate agent. Of this fee, 20% is then donated by the team at ESPA onto an industry charity of their client’s choice. When discussing this unusual methodology with The Police Association of Victoria during a recent interview, ESPA founder Luke believes that the power of community has always been one of the founding pillars of his success.

“I think it’s hugely important to see that money flows back into the industry which I serve. I’ve got a long track record of working with the emergency services community for over twenty three years. They’ve always looked after me, so I’m here to look after them.” 

When making these contributions, Luke has also noticed a pattern when it comes to the charities that his clients regularly opt to donate to – Blue Ribbon and Victoria Police Legacy.

“While there are endless notable causes that my clients could select, it goes without saying that Blue Ribbon and Legacy have proven to be particularly close to the hearts of emergency service workers. The Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation commemorates the memory of members of the Victoria Police who have died in the line of duty, while providing ongoing support to their families and community based projects within Victoria. As Emergency Services Property Advisors work closely with members of The Police Association Victoria, the connection to the police community runs deep. Similarly, Victoria Police Legacy has long been a pillar of support for the families of Victorian police officers, many of whom have also given their lives to serve and protect our state for the safety of us all.”

In 2023, Luke is set to tackle the Kokoda Track once again – but this time, for vastly different reasons. With the end goal being to raise some much needed funds for industry charities Victoria Police Legacy, Blue Ribbon and Veterans through donations and sponsorships, the inaugural ESPA Kokoda Charity Trek Challenge is scheduled for 2023. With the aim being to raise $96,000 – or $1,000 per kilometre of the Kokoda Track – the trip is a means to both give back to the industry that supports him, and to encourage others to rally and do the same. For Luke, his experiences on the track in 2016 were life changing, and believes that it could be the same for many others.

“When ESPA was established in 2020, one of my first undertakings was to create an annual fundraising event for each emergency service. Our original trek leader and my friend Peter Condon is the ultimate guide, and offers a holistic experience including laughter, tears, historical facts, tall tales around the campfire and a knockabout personality that is akin to those brave diggers of eighty years ago.”

Needless to say, Luke and the entire team believe in the power of community. ESPA provides property advisor services to Police, Fire and Ambulance personnel and their families – both current and retired – right across Victoria. If you are looking to potentially buy or sell property in the future, please get in touch today to discuss how we can turn your real estate dreams into reality.