Supporting The Blue Ribbon Foundation

Supporting The Blue Ribbon Foundation

As an imperative resource for our state’s police community, it makes sense to support the Blue Ribbon Foundation in return via the ESPA Kokoda Charity Trek.Hiking the Kokoda Track in 2016 was a life changing event for Emergency Services Property Advisors...
Supporting Police Veterans Victoria

Supporting Police Veterans Victoria

As an imperative resource for our state’s police community, it makes sense to support the Police Veterans Victoria in return via the ESPA Kokoda Charity Trek.Hiking the Kokoda Track in 2016 was a life changing event for Emergency Services Property Advisors...
Supporting The Victoria Police Legacy

Supporting The Victoria Police Legacy

As an imperative resource for our local emergency services, it makes sense to support the Victoria Police Legacy in return via the ESPA Kokoda Charity Trek.Hiking the Kokoda Track in 2016 was a life changing event for Emergency Services Property Advisors founder, Luke...
The Power Of Giving Back Through Business

The Power Of Giving Back Through Business

Giving back through business is a means to acknowledge and support the communities which have long done the same for you – but as a brand, where do you start? As a business operator, it can be all too easy to have tunnel vision when it comes to the day to day...
TPAV Announces The ESPA Kokoda Charity Trek

TPAV Announces The ESPA Kokoda Charity Trek

Offering members and other emergency service workers a completely free service when looking to buy or sell their homes, Luke Lawlor and the team at Emergency Services Property Advisors have enjoyed a productive and supportive partnership with The Police Association of...