Community Support & Property Advice

Donating To The Emergency Services

Community support

Taking the time to donate to the emergency services community is a way of not just showing your support, but is especially in line with the spirit of Christmas. 

Like it or not, Christmas ‘tis the season for increased exposure to risk. From domestic violence, car accidents and a range of other unforeseen injuries, it also spells the busiest time of the year for our nation’s emergency services. In addition to this, many of us tend to forget that members of this workforce also sacrifice Christmas at home with their own families to ensure that the public stays safe, and has access to help if and when required right throughout the holiday season. 

Whether you’re a large scale enterprise or an individual, there are many ways you can support charities and social causes linked to the emergency services community. With various levels of commitment available in terms of time, money and resources, sometimes it’s as simple as requesting a donation from your friends or family to be made to a charity of your choice, instead of adding another pair of socks to the collection of items that you don’t use, want or need. 

Ways To Support Emergency Services Charities This Christmas

In fact, research shows that almost half of all Australians plan on donating funds to a charity this Christmas, with one in four even stating that they plan on donating on behalf of a family member or friend who would prefer this avenue instead of a physical gift. If the spirit of giving is on your mind this Christmas, the emergency services community is a group desperately in need of your support. 

Victoria Police Legacy – The role of a police officer in Australia is diverse, and can be stressful. As a result, the position that the Victoria Police Legacy holds is to not only support those officers, but their families as well. The charity provides services to members of the police family who have lost a partner while serving or retired sworn members of Victoria Police, Protective Services Officer or recruit in training, or members who have lost a child. 

Blue Ribbon Foundation – The Blue Ribbon Foundation was formed in 1998, after several community based committees banded together, with its primary function being to memorialise members of the Victoria Police force who were killed in the line of duty. While it aims to encourage members of the public to remember the sacrifice made by such officers, they also actively work to support relevant community projects as well. 

Police Veterans Victoria – As a not for profit organisation, Police Veterans Victoria is the only organisation with a dedicated focus on improving the mental health of Victoria Police Veterans and their families. The Veteran Peer Support Officers (VSPO’s) are actually veterans themselves, and are trained to provide confidential phone support and referral services to Victoria Police Veterans who may be experiencing mental health issues. 

Emergency Services Foundation – Formed in 1987, the Emergency Service Foundation (ESF) supports the emergency management sector to prevent, promote and address the incidence and impact of mental injury for the 125,000 volunteers and paid staff who serve and protect the wider community. ESF focuses on building collaborative approaches to discover and address factors causing a high incidence of mental injury across the sector.

SES Victoria – Many of us are familiar with the work conducted by volunteers for SES Victoria, particularly after the horrific events of the Black Saturday bushfires not so long ago in 2009. Fundraising and donations are crucial to ensure that the volunteers are able to meet the costs of purchasing and maintaining equipment and facilities, providing training and resources, and to provide support for those injured in the line of duty. 

How ESPA Gives Back To The Emergency Services

When acting on behalf of a client, ESPA receives a fee from the real estate agent. Of this fee, 20% is then donated by the team at ESPA to an industry charity of their client’s choice. It quickly became apparent to Luke that many of his clients nominated one of the many emergency services community support programs as the charity of their choice, which made it a no-brainer for him to do the same. As such, the above institutions will all be primary recipients from the fundraising efforts linked to the upcoming ESPA Kokoda Charity Trek Challenge in 2023.

“As Emergency Services Property Advisors, we work very closely with members of Victoria’s emergency services community, and the connection to the community runs deep. Needless to say, I think that it’s hugely important to see that money flows back into the industry which I serve. I’ve got a long track record of working with the emergency services community for over twenty three years. They’ve always looked after me, so I’m here to look after them.” 

If you are a current or retired emergency services member that has always wanted to tick the Kokoda Track off your bucket list, there’s never been a more perfect opportunity to do so whilst supporting industry charities that give much more than they ever take back.

Emergency Services Property Advisers provide property advisor services to Police, Fire, Ambulance and S.E.S personnel and their families right across Victoria. If you are looking to get more information about the ESPA Kokoda Charity Trek, or even potentially buy or sell property in the near or distant future, please get in touch with Luke today.