Community Support & Property Advice

Supporting The Victoria Police Legacy

Community support

As an imperative resource for our local emergency services, it makes sense to support the Victoria Police Legacy in return via the ESPA Kokoda Charity Trek.

Hiking the Kokoda Track in 2016 was a life changing event for Emergency Services Property Advisors founder, Luke Lawlor. Although already armed with over twenty years experience in the real estate industry, getting to know his fellow adventurers while he was completing the track really got the wheels turning, as many of them were in fact emergency service workers.

As such, he founded his business on the back of the emergency services community, as there were no other real estate advisory services operating to cater just for them. With strong ties to the Victorian police force, ambulance service and firefighting sectors, Luke actively ensures that as a business, he contributes both his time and money to ensure that the sector receives the same support that they have provided him with. 

In 2023, Luke is set to tackle the Kokoda Track once again – but this time, for vastly different reasons. With the end goal being to raise some much needed funds for industry charities Victoria Police Legacy through donations and sponsorships, the inaugural ESPA Kokoda Charity Trek Challenge is scheduled for 2023. With the aim being to raise $96,000 – or $1,000 per kilometre of the Kokoda Track, the fundraising effort is a means to support institutions just like the Victoria Police Legacy – but who are they, and why are they vital to the emergency services community? 

The Role Of The Victoria Police Legacy 

The role of a police officer in Australia is diverse, and can be stressful. As a result, the position that the Victoria Police Legacy holds is to not only support those officers, but their families as well. The institution provides services and support to: 

  • Members of the police family who have lost a partner who is a serving or retired sworn member of Victoria Police, Protective Services Officer or recruit in training.
  • Serving or retired sworn members and Protective Services Officers who have lost partners.
  • Resigned Members, who fall into one of the above categories, if they have served more than twenty years with Victoria Police.
  • Members who have lost a child aged 21 years or younger.
  • Parents of serving members of Victoria Police and Protective Services Officers where that member was not in a relationship at the time of their death.
  • Members, their partners and families and Police Legatees experiencing grief and hardship caused by imminent or actual death or permanent (prolonged) disability.

The income that the non-for-profit public institution generates is primarily derived from the generous financial support of the many thousands of sworn members of Victoria Police, which range from the newest recruit right through to the Chief Commissioner. Without this support, the services that the Victoria Police Legacy provide would not be possible. 

When acting on behalf of a client, ESPA receives a fee from the real estate agent. Of this fee, 20% is then donated by the team at ESPA onto an industry charity of their client’s choice. It quickly became apparent to Luke that many of his clients nominated the Victoria Police Legacy as the charity of their choice, which made it a no-brainer for him to do the same and focus on the institution as one of the primary recipients from the fundraising efforts linked to the upcoming ESPA Kokoda Charity Trek Challenge in 2023.

“While there are endless notable causes that my clients could select, it goes without saying that the Victoria Police Legacy has proven to be particularly close to the hearts of emergency service workers. As Emergency Services Property Advisors, we work very closely with members of The Police Association Victoria, the connection to the police community runs deep. Needless to say, I think that it’s hugely important to see that money flows back into the industry which I serve. I’ve got a long track record of working with the emergency services community for over twenty three years. They’ve always looked after me, so I’m here to look after them.” 

If you are a current or retired emergency services member that has always wanted to tick the Kokoda Track off your bucket list, there’s never been a more perfect opportunity to do so whilst supporting industry charities that give much more than they ever take back.

Emergency Services Property Advisers provide property advisor services to Police, Fire, Ambulance and S.E.S personnel and their families right across Victoria. If you are looking to get more information about the ESPA Kokoda Charity Trek, or even potentially buy or sell property in the near or distant future, please get in touch with Luke today.