by Luke Lawker | Oct 26, 2022 | Community support
For the unfamiliar, Blue Ribbon Day is an annual initiative designed to acknowledge, support and celebrate our nation’s police force and their families. In Australia, first responders are highly skilled men and women who deliver the initial response in...
by Luke Lawker | Oct 19, 2022 | Property advice
If you’re one of the many homeowners looking to sell during the busy change of season, then taking the time to conduct a proper spring clean is a must. In Victoria, the arrival of spring is usually marked by a handful of annual changes: the sun makes...
by Luke Lawker | Oct 12, 2022 | Property advice
When selling property, an existing home loan doesn’t simply take care of itself. If this applies to you, then learning how to discharge your mortgage is a must. Selling your home can be exciting, stressful and scary – often all at once. Between enlisting...
by Luke Lawker | Jul 29, 2022 | Property advice
If you’re about to embark on the process of selling your home, then taking the time to depersonalise it is a must – so what should stay and what needs to go? The end goal for just about anyone selling property is to do so quickly, and for the best...
by Luke Lawker | Jul 25, 2022 | Property advice
Although they lack yards, buying an apartment or a unit has been long touted as a way to downsize your expenses to upsize your lifestyle – but what’s the catch? Based on data sourced from the latest census, around 1.3 million people now live in an...